Diabetes CAUSES

What are the Major kinds of Diabetes? Causes and Treatments

Different diseases become common at different ages depending on people’s work routines and dietary habits. The busy and challenging life of the present era has made people frequently suffer from high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. Diabetes is one of the most health-damaging medical issues. It has a great impact on the overall quality of a patient’s life. Unbalanced sugar levels are significantly associated with overweight conditions. However, apart from obese people, the percentage is increasing day by day. Numerous factors are contributing to this higher ratio, including obesity.

Bariatric surgery is a smart strategy to eliminate overweight conditions. Though it aims to address obesity, the list of its benefits is long. It is highly beneficial for diabetic patients in numerous ways. How can metabolic or bariatric surgery help people with diabetes? Is it suitable to go for surgical ways to deal with diabetes? Answers to all such questions require thorough information about diabetes. Keep reading to learn about the kinds of diabetes, its causes, and possible treatments.

Knowing about diabetes and its main types

It’s a hard fact that a patient suffering from uneven glucose levels has to adapt to a number of lifestyle changes, especially regarding diet. Additionally, frequent body pain, slow wound healing, and risk of other medical conditions are some of the troubles patients usually bear. All factors together explain the significance of the right and early treatment of the disease. However, the decision can be easy if one is well aware of the mechanism and kinds of diabetes. Here is a brief overview.

What is Diabetes?

The pancreas is responsible for stabilizing blood glucose levels, and it releases an important hormone, insulin, to control them. Insulin enables body cells to consume glucose and convert it into energy. Cells absorb glucose through special pumps. Elevated glucose levels in the body can occur for two reasons: insulin deficiency and malfunction or ineffectiveness. The overall condition is termed diabetes, which is further divided into two categories.

  1. Diabetes type 1

Diabetes type 1 is a medical condition associated with the body’s immunity. It often occurs when the body’s immune system misunderstands targets and kills the beta cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. Consequently, this damage leads to a shortage of insulin in the body. When there is insufficient insulin, glucose accumulates in the blood, raising blood sugar levels. It shows a number of symptoms, including increased thirst, frequent urination, and exhaustion. Although type 1 diabetes can strike at any age, it usually first appears in childhood or early adulthood. 

  1.  Diabetes type 2

It is called a metabolic disease. Metabolism is the property of the body that produces energy. Diabetes type 2 is associated with the ineffectiveness of insulin, which leads to the dysfunction of glucose metabolism. In short, the body becomes unable to utilize the existing quantity of insulin because it cannot enter the cells. Consequently, patients experience elevated blood sugar levels.

The specific name for insulin malfunction is insulin resistance. It usually develops gradually, frequently in maturity. Moreover, it is strongly associated with lifestyle factors such as obesity, poor food, and physical inactivity. Common associated medical conditions include kidney damage, nerve problems, heart disease, and visual problems. Patients usually face symptoms including weariness, increased thirst, frequent urination, and wounds that heal slowly.

Impact of Diabetes on Various Organs

Constant high blood sugar starts a chain of health problems. Hence, it results in progressive damage and weakening of numerous organs. Some significant side effects include

  • Kidneys

 Kidneys are composed of small blood arteries and filtering units called nephrons. Over time, high blood sugar puts strain on the kidneys, increasing the pressure in these vessels and making it more difficult for them to filter waste effectively. It can develop into chronic kidney disease or possibly kidney failure.

  • Heart

 Persistently elevated glucose levels also impact heart health. They hurt arteries and the nerves that regulate blood flow to the heart muscles. Moreover, they also fuel inflammation, high blood pressure, and excessive cholesterol, all of which are risk factors for cardiovascular health. Heart attacks or coronary artery disease are common diseases that appear over time.

  • Feet

Glucose accumulations are a constant source of danger for foot nerves. Infections or wounds take longer to heal due to poor blood circulation. Moreover, nerve loss can result in numbness, which makes wounds or sores invisible. Even little foot injuries can become dangerous infections, ulcers, or extreme situations. proper foot care, routine examinations, and blood sugar management can be helpful in this regard

  • Brain

Both kinds of diabetes contribute to the development of an atmosphere and a series of diseases that can damage the brain. Limited blood flow and oxygen delivery lead to inflammation and damage to brain vessels. This may eventually result in memory loss, concentration issues, and an increased risk of dementia. 

  • Eye

Diabetic retinopathy is the other name for eye disorders caused by elevated blood sugar levels. Hurting the blood vessels in the retina is one way that can injure the eyes. These injured vessels may burst, enlarge, or shut off, impairing vision. Moreover, it raises the risk of diseases like retinal detachment or macular edema. All factors together can result in partial or total vision loss.

Bariatric surgery can treat Diabetes Type 2

The purpose of Bariatric surgery or weight loss operation is to control production and pre-existing fat deposits in the body. The influence of fat cells on various hormones is prominent. Hence, the procedure effectively addresses numerous medical factors associated with obesity. Consequently, controlled hormone balance and metabolism stop the development of insulin resistance. 

People usually do not enlist Bariatric surgery as a treatment for diabetes. However, research indicates that it prevents both major kinds of diabetes. The reason is that it is a metabolic surgery that boosts metabolism. It ultimately resolves the issue of insulin resistance and its deficiency. Necessary lifestyle changes after surgery boost the body’s immune system and inner strength. This shift towards healthy eating or exercise lays the foundation for getting rid of the severely damaging issue of diabetes. 

Wrapping up

In conclusion, diabetes comes high on the list of the most damaging diseases. It appears in several forms. The most common kinds of diabetes include Type 1 and Type 2, which have distinct effects on the body. The immune system targets insulin-producing cells in Type 1 diabetes. However, obesity and insulin resistance are strongly associated with Type 2 diabetes. Both of these kinds cause major medical issues that ultimately damage different organs like the kidneys, heart, nerves, and eyes. 

Bariatric surgery is a very successful strategy for dealing with diabetes. The surgery results in metabolic improvements that eliminate the root cause of type 2 diabetes. Hence, it paves the path for better health and a higher quality of life by encouraging substantial and long-lasting weight loss. Consequently, it helps stop the progression of diabetes and the damage it causes to organs.