Treatment of Hiatal Hernia and What is it mean for?
A hiatal hernia develops when the upper portion of your stomach bulges or extends through an opening of the diaphragm (the large muscle separating your chest and abdomen). Your esophagus (the food pipe that carries food from your mouth to your stomach) passes through a space in your diaphragm called the hiatus. In people with hiatal hernia, the stomach enters into the chest cavity by pushing its way through that opening, thus the name hiatal hernia. Therefore the treatment of hiatal hernia is processed by the best hernia surgeon to relieve your pain.Â
Causes of hiatal hernia
One of the common causes of hiatal hernia is increased pressure in your abdominal cavity. Possible causes of hiatal hernia may include;
- Straining during bowel movement
- Coughing, vomiting,
- Pregnancy
- Obesity
- Born with an unusually large hiatal opening
- Injury to that area after trauma or certain types of surgery.
- Changes in the diagram with age
- Age 50 or above

Hiatal hernia types
There are two main hiatal hernia types;
1 Sliding hiatal hernia
In this type, your stomach and lower part of the esophagus slides up into your chest cavity through the diaphragm. It is usually small, does not cause any symptoms and is more common.
2 Fixed hiatal hernia
Also called a para esophageal hernia. It is not as common as sliding hernia. In this type, part of the stomach protrudes out through the diaphragm and stays there. It causes difficulty in digestion and can block the blood flow to the stomach. It can lead to serious damage.
Symptoms of hiatal hernia
Most of the time, there are no hiatal hernia symptoms; however, when symptoms do occur, they cause the upward or backflow of stomach acids. Hiatal hernia symptoms may include the following:
- Chest pain
- Heartburn becomes worse when bending over or lying down.
- Difficulty in swallowing.
- Belching
- Backflow of food or liquids into the mouth.
- Abdominal pain
- Feeling of fullness soon after you eat.
- Shortness of breath
Treatment of Hiatal Hernia and Diet to minimize hiatal hernia symptoms
- Eat smaller meals throughout the day and eat slowly
- Avoid food that triggers heartburn, such as fried foods, tomato sauce, alcohol, mint, garlic, caffeine, etc.
- Don’t lie down or exercise right after you eat.
Treatment of hiatal hernia
Hiatal hernia surgery is needed to treat a large hernia; in less severe cases, medicines can be used to relieve the symptoms for the best possible treatment of hiatal hernia.
- Antacids that neutralize stomach acid
- Medications to reduce acid production
Hiatal hernia surgery at ALSA Pakistan
Hiatal hernia surgery involves tightening your diaphragm and placing the stomach back into the abdomen. Hiatal hernia surgery is called Fundoplication; during this procedure, we wrap the upper portion of your stomach around the bottom portion of your esophagus. We can use;
- The advanced laparoscopic technique (Nissen Fundoplication) or
- Open fundoplication, depending upon the severity of your condition.
Hiatal hernia surgery takes about two to three hours. At ALSA Pakistan, you are in the safe and expert hands of Dr. Tahir Yunus to get your treatment of hiatal hernia surgery and improve the quality of your life.
Hiatal hernia in children- Paediatric hiatal hernia
Hiatal hernia is a condition that is not very common in infants and children. When a hiatal hernia occurs in a baby, it is more likely that the baby is born with it (congenital). It is usually associated with acid reflux in children. However, when it does occur in children, it can cause frequent vomiting, which can further lead to dehydration, malnutrition, weight loss, and failure to thrive. But sometimes, it does not cause any symptoms. Timely management and treatment of hiatal hernia are very crucial for the child’s good health because, with time, the disease can progress and cause further complications.
Hiatal hernia surgery in infants and children
When the conservative treatment methods do not work, surgery for a hiatal hernia becomes necessary. At ALSA Pakistan, our extremely dedicated and skilled child surgeon Dr. Muhammad Mohsin performs hiatal hernia surgery in infants and children to ensure improved health and better quality of life.