
Medical Tourism For Weight Loss Surgery | An Affordable Solution

Medical tourism for weight loss or bariatric surgery defines as travel outside the country of residence for the purpose of receiving healthcare treatment for weight loss. The growing popularity of medical tourism has captured the attention of policymakers, researchers and the media. Initially, the term referred to patients’ travel from developing to developed countries. It is done to receive medical treatment not available in their home country. There are qualitative and quantitative changes in patient migration as they move to developing countries. These changes have been driven primarily by the relatively low cost of treatment in developing countries.

What makes up the word “tourism” in the concept of healthcare is that people often stay abroad after medical procedures. Travellers can therefore take advantage of the visit by participating in sightseeing, day trips, or other traditional tourism activities.

Let’s dive into the discussion of medical tourism for weight loss surgery.

Weight loss surgery to cure obesity

Weight loss surgery is well-known as bariatric and metabolic surgery. These terms are used to reflect the impact these surgeries have on the patient’s weight and metabolic (breaking down food into energy) health. In addition to their ability to cure obesity, these surgeries are also very effective in treating many other ailments, such as diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and high cholesterol. It also has the ability to prevent health problems and let the person stay at an ideal BMI(Body Mass Index) by keeping a check through a BMI calculator. This advantage allows obese patients who choose treatment to have a better quality of life and a longer life span.

Benefits of bariatric surgery

Bariatric surgery has several advantages.

The American Society of Metabolic and bariatric Surgeons (ASMBS) found that approximately 90% of bariatric surgery patients lose 50% of their excess body weight, with a limited risk of regaining it later.

 Reduced Risk of Heart Disease

Obesity is closely associates with an increase risk of heart disease. Weight loss reduces this risk along with the risk of stroke.

 Remission of Type 2 Diabetes

Obesity is often a prerequisite for type 2 or late-onset diabetes. A recent study conducted by the Cleveland Clinic found that this form of the disease can go into remission with significant weight loss. So, weight loss surgery also treats type 2 diabetes effectively.

Improve Joint Function

Carrying extra fats puts stress on your joints. Patients undergoing bariatric surgery report less chronic pain and improved joint function after surgery. Obese patients use a BMI chart to keep a check on their weight and BMI-related concerns.

 Improving Fertility

Reducing obesity increases fertility in women and help them conceive. Obese women also often undergo issues during labour.

Alleviation of Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a respiratory disorder exacerbated by obesity. Returning to a healthy weight may reduce symptoms.

 Elimination of Other Medical Problems.

There is evidence that losing excess weight can eliminate or at least reduce other problematic medical conditions such as metabolic syndrome, gallbladder disease and pregnancy complications.

 Improving Mental Health

The benefits of medical tourism for weight loss surgery also extend to mental health. Patients are less prone to anxiety and depression and more likely to engage in activities that improve their lives.

Although the benefits of bariatric surgery often outweigh the risks, there are some things to remember about these surgeries. Not everyone loses as much extra weight as they would like, and if you don’t change your diet or exercise after surgery, some of the initial weight loss may recover over time.

In some cases, ulcers, malnutrition, and other negative side effects may occur, requiring readmission.

 How can we help you in your medical tourism for weight loss surgery?

Suppose you want to know anything about weight loss surgery, its mechanism of action and its benefits. Our medical tourism for bariatric surgery, ALSA Team will assist you with professional and affordable weight loss services. In addition, we support our clients by offering low prices in budget-friendly packages. In addition, medical tourism prevents our clients from facing high accommodation and travel costs. We provide risk-free surgical treatment on a budget under the supervision of the best and most competent surgeons. In addition, we perform surgery with less burden on the patient in abdominal surgery and cancer surgery. With over decades of experience, we are now serving patients facing complex weight gain problems in the United States. All we need to do here is give them their complete trust.

 What are the appropriate criteria for bariatric surgery?

Body Mass Index, or BMI, is the most common measure of obesity. BMI chart women or Men’s BMI calculator, is a good tool for measuring height-adjusted weight and calculates as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared (kg/m2). Used for treatment during weight loss surgery.

It is calculated by dividing your weight in kilograms by the square of your height in meters. A score of 30 or higher is obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Obesity is a serious medical condition that increases your risk of developing various health problems, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. A medical professional depends on his BMI because it’s simple, cheap, and generally accurate. Before weight loss surgery, an average BMI should be maintained. Weight loss can also reduce risk rates and complications from surgery.

 Benefits of Medical Tourism For Weight loss surgery 

 Affordability and Cost Effectiveness

People go abroad for medical care mainly because of the low cost of medical procedures. Savings range from 30% to 80% of what you would normally pay in the US or elsewhere.

Due to the low cost of medical procedures and surgeries, some people worry that medical tourism is a scam. The main reason for the low price of medical care overseas is the low labour cost in popular medical tourism for weight loss surgery destinations.

Although the treatment is inexpensive, in most cases, the surgery is performed by well-trained professionals using state-of-the-art technology. In addition, low malpractice, insurance, and administrative costs also contribute to the low cost of medical procedures abroad.

 High-Quality Medical Care

Doctors and surgeons like Dr Tahir Yunus are qualified and certified in western countries such as the USA and UK. Who provide medical services to foreign patients.

Medical centres worldwide have been accredited by renowned international bodies such as JCI, JCAHO and ISO to demonstrate their commitment to excellence.

Some laboratories and medical centres are members of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIH is a federal agency that provides guidance and financial support to medical and health researchers.

 Immediate Aid

Another advantage of medical tourism for weight loss surgery is immediate access to medical services. Medical tourism offers a priority list opportunity for those coming from countries with public health systems. Waiting is not always an option when dealing with health issues.

 Enhanced Flight and Communication Services

Most international procedures can book online or by phone. Patients have the ease to book flights and schedule surgeries from the comfort of their own homes. This eliminates the inconvenience of going to a hospital or clinic for testing and evaluation. The only time a person needs to leave the house is the day or week of surgery or procedures.

 Travel Opportunities

Although medical tourism for bariatric surgery aims at obtaining medical care, a secondary benefit of medical tourism is the opportunity to travel to another country. Some medical tourists, especially those seeking dental, cosmetic, or spa treatments, may take advantage of the opportunity to travel abroad in addition to affordable medical care.


The concept of medical tourism appeals to everyone interested in quality and affordable healthcare. Medical tourism for bariatric surgery is gaining popularity, and the number of people travelling abroad for medical treatment is growing rapidly each year.

Given the many benefits of medical tourism, technological advances, and improved health standards in developing countries, the benefits of medical tourism have the potential to provide significant economic solutions to many health problems.