
3 Main Causes of Obesity That Are Necessary To Know

Indeed, every era brings unique challenges as well as advancements that lead to changes in the lifestyle of individuals. People’s lifestyles and priorities regarding eating, living, and socializing have significantly changed over time. The alteration has also changed the nature of medical issues and their severity. Obesity is among the most common Causes of Obesity people are facing nowadays. 

As the obesity rate is growing, more people are becoming concerned about its relevant factors. Reasons for obesity lie high on the list in this regard. Are there any specific factors that trigger obesity? Can obesity be a temporary condition or a permanent medical issue that needs to be treated? Let us overview all the crucial elements, including the main causes of obesity, and learn the specific measures one can take to have a healthy life.

How Does A Person Gain Excessive Weight?

Usually, people seem unaware of the root cause of any medical condition, which may result in the adaptation of unsuitable treatment methods. The situation worsens if a person is trying to resolve any medical issue, such as obesity, on his own. In addition, having basic knowledge of the main causes of obesity can be helpful even when consulting an experienced medical specialist. Here is a description of the three main causes of obesity.


It’s an amazing fact that all the features of a person, such as height, complexion, and eye color, come from DNA. Moreover, DNA segments called genes contain the information needed to create and maintain the body’s tissues, organs, and cells. The information required for the creation of proteins, which carry out a variety of bodily tasks, is also found in genes.

Therefore, genes are the elements of the human structure that affect how the body stores and uses fat. Moreover, the distribution of fat in the body, energy metabolism, and appetite management are associated with genetic variables.

For instance, some genes can make people less sensitive to feelings of fullness or more likely to overeat. Hence, as a result, these people easily gain weight and become an easy target of obesity. Furthermore, some people may find it more difficult to stabilize a healthy weight despite diet and exercise attempts due to genetic variances that affect how well the body burns calories. Hence, genetic make-up received from parents is a significant factor in indulging obesity.


The most evident and highly influencing factor that can boost obesity is diet. The kinds and quantities of food ingested have a direct impact on weight gain and are associated with the food type. Diets high in processed foods that are high in calories, like sweets, bad fats, and refined carbs, can cause the body to accumulate excess calories as fat. Furthermore, the busy schedules of today’s challenging life result in frequent snacking, missing meals, and drinking sugary drinks. Hence, it is common to consume more calories than necessary without noticing. In addition, some high-calorie food products belong to different cultures and, thus, become a compulsory part of an individual’s life. With time, a bad diet can lead to weight increase and eventually the onset of obesity when paired with a lazy lifestyle.


Excessive stress and anxiety are becoming common over time. Although unbelievable, children are also coming on the list of depressed ones. It plays a pivotal role in obesity. The reason is its impact on hormonal balance and dietary changes that result in weight gain. Stress is associated with the release of the specific hormone cortisol, which can increase hunger and cravings, particularly for foods that are heavy in calories, sugar, and fat. The phenomenon is known as “stress eating,”. This reaction frequently results in the consumption of unhealthy foods, which the body stores as fat, especially around the abdomen. Moreover, individuals become habitual to such types of eating even when they become stress-free. Furthermore, stress promotes a sluggish lifestyle, such as lack of exercise and inadequate sleep, hence is a significant contributing element to the development of obesity.

Possible Solutions to Treat Obesity

Every problem comes with a solution. Obesity is a little bit difficult to handle but not an impossible task. Although solutions may vary depending on the severity of the issue and also in terms of complexity, making some efforts may lead to a long-term stable health status. Here are some solutions that can be helpful

Controlled and Healthy Eating

Healthy and controlled eating is the most excellent tool to fight obesity. It encourages a balanced calorie intake and gives the body the nutrition it needs without giving space to fat deposits. Focusing on entire meals, such as fruits, vegetables, lean meats, whole grains, and healthy fats, might help people feel full for more extended periods and are less likely to overeat. Moreover, people frequently miss mindful eating and portion management. Both factors can be a great help to prevent obesity. Plus, regular eating and avoiding processed, sugary snacks can help blood sugar levels stay stable. It reduces cravings and promotes a steadier level of energy. A balanced diet causes weight management and makes it simpler to keep obesity away.

Stress-Relieving Therapies

The chances of obesity increase hundreds of times if a person is suffering from chronic stress and emotional eating. The solution is the application of stress management therapies and emotional support. Methods like mindfulness exercises, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), and relaxation techniques can help people learn better ways to handle stress and lessen the need to go for food. Moreover, emotional help from loved ones, support groups, or therapists helps people remain on track with healthy lifestyle choices. These treatments and support systems can help promote a healthy relationship with food, boost self-esteem, and end the cycle of stress. Hence, one can keep one’s focus off from overeating through Stress management.

Weight Loss Surgeries

 The gate of hope does not close even when diet, exercise, or stress management therapies fail. Weight loss surgeries come with a solution. Operations such as gastric banding, sleeve gastrectomy, and gastric bypass are effective treatments for extreme obesity. In order to restrict how much food a person can consume and absorb, these operations physically modify the stomach and, in certain situations, the digestive tract. Moreover, several weight loss procedures might affect the hormones that control appetite and fullness, which can reduce cravings and make it simpler to maintain a healthy diet. Surgery can lead to considerable long-term weight loss and reduce obesity-related health issues, including diabetes and high blood pressure. Hence, it dramatically improves the quality of life for those who are battling with obesity.

Closing Remarks!

To sum up, excessive weight is no less than a challenge in a fast-going life. The main causes of obesity significantly include stress, poor diet, and genetics. Being overweight is associated with the intake of high-calorie, processed foods and stress-induced cravings, while genetics might affect fat metabolism and storage. A balanced strategy is needed to fight obesity. It is about eating a healthy diet, getting regular exercise, and using stress-reduction techniques like mindfulness. Weight loss surgery can work if the rest of the ways are not fruitful. It can promote long-lasting results in severe circumstances. People can attain and sustain a healthier weight by addressing these root issues, which will benefit their general quality of life and physical health.