ALSA Pakistan houses highly qualified and experienced surgeons to provide you with the best surgical services.

Our pediatric surgery centre is headed by highly qualified Dr Muhammad Mohsin, ranked among the top pediatric surgeons in Pakistan. With extensive experience in pediatrics, Dr Mohsin offers you the services for paeds. We take pride in maintaining a successful trail of minimally invasive solutions to the most common pediatric surgeries.

Your Child is our responsibility!

You can get the best services for the following pediatric surgeries with the promise of keen post-operative care that ensures your child’s healthy recovery.

Followed as a religious obligation, male circumcision is the most common surgical procedure carried out not only in Pakistan but worldwide. Circumcision is the removal of the foreskin. The foreskin usually covers the tip of penis, and it separates, retracts, or is pulled back over time. Usually, a baby is circumcised within the first week of birth. However, adults may also have the surgery in some rare cases.

During the circumcision surgery, the surgeon separates the foreskin from the penis and removes it with a scalpel. Then, he applies the ointment and covers the penis in gauze for recovery.

Benefits of Circumcision

Circumcision is the most critical of all the services for paeds due to the following benefits.

  • Circumcised men are significantly at a lesser risk to develop penile cancer/ cancer of the penis.
  • The pediatric surgery keeps the men from getting Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs)
  • Removal of foreskin reduces the risk of sexually transmitted infections.
  • Lastly, circumcision surgery keeps individuals from other different penis conditions. For example, inflammation of the foreskin and glans (balanoposthitis), phimosis, paraphimosis etc.

Who cannot get the surgery?

Dr Muhammad Mohsin recommends and performs the surgery only at best suitable for a child. For example, you must not get your circumcised if;
  • The baby has some related medical issues
  • The child is born prematurely
  • The baby suffers from any condition which may need the foreskin to fix it.


We ensure sterile equipment for our services for paeds in a hygienic environment. The surgery ends within 20 minutes, and the wound takes around eight to ten days to heal. You may observe swelling and redness of the penis and a yellow film around the tip, which is normal.

Ideally, the inguinal canal closes soon after the birth of the baby. A closed canal keeps the testis from going back up into the abdomen. However, if the canal fails to close properly, a part of the intestine may get into the canal through the weak abdominal wall. It appears as a bulge or swelling near the groin area on the outer side and is known as an inguinal hernia.


Typically, hernias in newborn children are not painful, and they show only when the infant or an older child cries, coughs or strains during the bowel movement. However, in some cases, the patient may also exhibit reduced appetite. Hence, it can only be observed by the caretaker. If it is not diagnosed in time, the contents of the hernia, i.e. a part of the intestine, may get trapped in the abdominal wall and may lead to life-threatening conditions. In addition, the symptoms may aggravate the following in such a condition.

  • Fever
  • Sudden pain which may intensify
  • The hernia bulge turns purple, red, and dark
  • Vomiting or nausea or both
  • Inability to pass gas or bowel movements

Indeed, choosing the best pediatric surgery center, you won’t have to worry about much!


ALSA Pakistan offers the best promising solution for pediatric hernia treatment in its services for paeds. Therefore, whatever your baby's condition is, we offer a state-of-the-art facility for pediatric surgery. Common pediatric surgeries for inguinal hernia mean an open surgery that makes a large 1-3 cm incision. However, the pediatric surgeon at ALSA Pakistan treats it laparoscopically and makes three minimal incisions of only 1-3 mm, which heals quick.


Compared to open surgery, the laparoscopic pediatric hernia treatment recovers within 1-2 weeks.

Also known as cryptorchidism, it is a condition where the testicles don’t get to their proper position in the scrotum vi behind the penis through the inguinal canal before birth. Usually, the testicles move into their proper positions within a few months after birth. Undescended testis is more familiar with premature babies. Usually, only one testis is affected with such a condition. However, in 10% of the cases, both testes fail to descend to their position.


There are no medical conditions related to the undescended testis. However, it can only be observed if the testicle is not in the scrotum as it should have been.


If not treated, the undescended testis may result in testicular cancer, fertility problems, inguinal hernia, trauma, testicular torsion etc. Hence, Dr Muhammad Mohsin offers his reliable services for paeds and offer the best pediatric surgery for your child. First, the surgeon gives the child general anesthesia. Then, during laparoscopic undescended testicles surgery, the surgeon inserts a laparoscope to locate testes. Then, he manipulates the testis back into the scrotum and stitches it back into its place.


The recovery from undescended testicles surgery is pretty fast, especially if it is laparoscopic surgery within 2 to 3 days. There might be slight swelling, pain or bruises in the groin. Therefore, this is just not it. Our well-concerned surgeon continues to monitor the patient, including the following:

Physical exams

Hormone level check

Ultrasound exams for the scrotum

If you evidence blood in your child’s stool, the pediatric department at ALSA Pakistan must be your first go-to place. The leading cause for the blood in the stool may be rectal polyps. Polyps are the accumulation of cells in the large intestine. Approximately 1-2% of the infants suffer from an inherited disorder from the parents or a mutation. The main risk of polyps is that they may develop into cancer. Therefore, if you observe the following symptoms, you must get the top-rated rectal polyps treatment.


Usually, polyps are not a risk to the baby's general health, and they do exhibit any observable symptoms. However, it is the best if you are wary be of the following symptoms;

  • Diarrhea
  • Stool turning red or black
  • Constipation
  • Bleeding from the rectum
  • Anemia
  • Cramps or pain in the abdomen


Before our skilled pediatrician gets on to treatment, he conducts a keen and detailed diagnosis, including a careful colonoscopy to locate the source of bleeding and polyps and decides for the rectal polyps treatment depending upon the size and location of the polyp. Dr Moshin offers the most advanced and minimally invasive surgical rectal polyps treatment laparoscopic removal of polyps. Indeed, it makes the best suitable option for polyps that cannot be removed with conventional polypectomy surgery. First, the patient is given general anesthesia, and the surgeon makes three 1-3mm incisions in the abdomen to pass the laparoscope and the surgical instruments in the belly. Then, the surgeon pumps the carbon dioxide gas to better view the intestine. Hence, they isolate the polyp and cut it at its stem from the wall.


Generally, polypectomy is a minor surgery, especially when done laparoscopically. Therefore, the risks are very low. However, the patient may suffer from bleeding right after the surgery. Conventionally, it takes about 3 to 4 weeks for the child to heal and get back to the routine. However, if you choose to get the laparoscopic services for paeds, the recovery time may reduce to just some days.

To abide by our promise of taking care of your child, we send the polyp samples to check if the polyp is cancerous or not. If not, you are all set for a healthy digestive system!

The condition refers to a familiar yet abnormal variation in the development of the urethra during 8 – 14 weeks of pregnancy. It is a congenital disability where the urethra opening may be anywhere, just not form below the penis ends to the scrotum. Around 80% of the hypospadias patients have distal hypospadias in which the urethra is near the end of the penis. Moreover, 15% of these patients have a curved penis downward. Usually, it is diagnosed during the physical exam. However, you must get to the best hypospadias surgery treatment if it has already been late. Importantly, if a child suffers from hypospadias, he must not be circumcised because the surgeon may use the foreskin to fix it.


Typically, it is evident. However, you must know its hypospadias if the child suffers from the following.

  • Abnormal spray during urination
  • The downward curve of the penis, also known as chordee
  • Due to hypospadias, only half of the foreskin covers the penis causing a hooded appearance of the penis
  • The urethra is located at any other place than the tip of the penis.


Our proficient pediatric surgeon recommends treating hypospadias at the age of 6 to 12 months. One may think that the penis would grow out of it over time. However, this is not the case. If you don’t opt for the best treatment services for paeds, the child may suffer from the following complications.

while urinating
The abnormal
curvature of the penis


Mainly, the surgery is booming; the urethra is positioned right, and the penis looks fine. The recovery from the hypospadias surgery treatment starts at once. However, the complete recovery may take up to some weeks.

An umbilical polyp is a firm, bright red discharging mass near the belly button that comprises the intestinal or urinary tract tissue, usually more significant than a granuloma (0.5 – 2cm). In contrast, granuloma is an overgrown granulation tissue due to the incomplete closure of the umbilical ring. The size of a granuloma ranges between 0.1 – 1 cm. whatever the issue may be, you must check our services for paeds.


A polyp appears as red round limps with mucous or blood secretions which may bleed easily and occasionally. However, it is painless and doesn’t cause any medical conditions, but it may get infected and lead to further complications that call for a quick umbilical polyp treatment. In contrast, you would certainly need the best umbilical granuloma treatment if your child is suffering from the following conditions

  • Rash near the belly button
  • Swelling or redness
  • Fever
  • Foul-smelling drain from the belly button
  • Bleeding around the granuloma


Before hoping to do the umbilical hernia treatment step, we send the child for ultrasonography so that the umbilical lesions may be evaluated. If the lesion is recognized as granuloma, which is not infected, salt treatment or silver nitrate is usually applied so that the lesion dries out and falls off. However, our skilled medical and paramedical staff removes the lesion via laparoscopic surgery if the lesion is infected.


The surgery is minimally invasive, and it rarely causes any pain or discomfort. Usually, if you choose the best heals within a week or two without any complications with proper care. However, Dr Muhammad Mohsin recommends a regular follow-up to check for any post-surgical complications.

7 Constipation Anal Issues

A newborn baby may also suffer from abnormal bowel movements, and ALSA Pakistan houses a crew that knows the right thing to do for your child. Such problems are potential because of the infant’s anorectal malformation during the pregnancy, in which the anus and rectum fail to develop correctly. There may be some other issues related to the condition, such as;

  • The rectum fails to connect to the anus properly.
  • Anal passage is too narrow to facilitate stool movement.
  • The anal opening may be covered with a membrane or a tissue
  • The rectum may connect with the reproductive system or urinary tract via a fistula passage instead of the rectum.

Our extensive services for paeds offers the best options for infants constipation and anal issues treatment.


The anorectal malformation mentioned above give rise to the following symptoms;

  • Urine passing through the anus
  • Stool coming from the vagina
  • Urine coming from the anus
  • Lack of stool
  • Issues with the bowel movement or constipation


For such issues, at ALSA Pakistan, we recommend a detailed diagnosis. Other than the physical examination, it would include various tests such as abdominal X-rays, ultrasound, CT scan, and Lower & upper gastrointestinal series, also known as barium enema & swallow, respectively. After the complete diagnosis, our adept pediatric surgeon's team performs an immediate yet the best suitable infants constipation and anal issues treatment.

Depending upon the type of anorectal issue, our surgeon offers the best reliable services for paeds, such as

  • Anal dilation for narrow anal passage
  • Anal dilation and removal of membrane on the anus via pediatric surgery
  • Colostomy to correct the recto-anal passage

Why ALSA Pakistan?

ALSA Pakistan aims to serve the best-skilled services for paeds at an institute that houses highly qualified and professional medical and paramedical staff. Furthermore, we do not just treat your child, but we ensure that they get back to a healthy regular life routine. For this, we take pride in our staff for maintaining a stringent hygienic environment for the healthy post-operative recovery of the patients. In addition, we facilitate the patients with the most advanced treatment techniques for common pediatric surgeries that are minimally invasive with our state-of-the-art machinery. Well, that’s not all. ALSA Pakistan has joined hands with an expert team for medical tourism to serve humanity internationally. Hence, with the promise of abiding by the international medical standards of surgery, we welcome you to have an excellent experience of services for paeds at our pediatric surgery centre.