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Medical accreditation is vital for medical tourism
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Medical tourism can be put into words as travel to seek healthcare services and facilities in any other country abroad. The history of medical tourism finds its roots back into ancient times when people used to go to faraway places to seek medical help due to lack of knowledge and technology. The pace of the trend has fastened. However, the main reasons have slightly changed. For example, medical tourism cost is the most attractive feature for tourists. However, it poses some serious risks as well. To avoid such risks, medical accreditation is vital.
Let’s find out what is it and what does it offer.
Medical accreditation
Medical accreditation is just a voluntary process of the healthcare facilities to abide by the quality standard set by an external body. It is more like a risk reduction and quality optimization strategy. For medical tourism, the International Society for Quality (ISQua) works as the accreditor of the accreditors, an umbrella organization. Hence, all the accreditation organizations must be accredited by ISQua to offer recreation in medical tourism. Another umbrella organization is the United Kingdom Accreditation Forum which is UK-based.
To acknowledge the fact that medical accreditation is vital, organizations are operating. These organizations include accreditation organizations are:
- Joint Commission International
- Malaysian Society
- Trent Accreditation Scheme
- Accreditation Canada
- Australian Council on Health Care Standards
- National Committee for Quality Assurance
- The American Medical Accreditation
- Accreditation Association for Ambulatory Healthcare
- Utilization Review Accreditation Commission/ American Accreditation Healthcare Commission
Why medical accreditation is vital?
No doubt, medical tourism offers various perks, such as low-cost treatment with recreation in medical tourism. However, medical tourism means getting medical assistance in a place where you may have to face a language barrier, cultural differences, false information, inadequate infrastructure and services.
Hence, medical accreditation is vital to regulate the medical tourism industry. Furthermore, the certification offers a sense of security to the tourists. Thus, they can enjoy recreation in medical tourism fully.
Multiple accreditations
There is no single accreditation body that operates in all parts of the world. However, it is also notable that each regulatory body works with its mission and a set of activities. Each organization has its history accreditation process and set of standards. Therefore, some accreditation bodies are better for a specific area in healthcare. For the same reasons or so, hospitals and other health care institutions often go for multiple accreditations. For medical tourism, accreditation ranks on top among the list of pre-requisites for a suitable healthcare facility.