BMI calculator importance

BMI calculator importance | BMI keep in check

BMI calculator importance, and what is BMI?

BMI calculator importance cannot be neglected in today’s world. BMI is constituting of measurement that is a ratio of your weight and height. It is a perfect way to know whether your weight is healthy or not, and also that your weight is in healthy proportion to your height. Knowing your BMI can help you to determine any risks related to your health. By being overweight, you can come across a lot of health problems like:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Cardiac issues
  • Musculoskeletal problems
  • Sleep apnea
  • Joint issues
  • Hypercholesterolemia

Not just that BMI calculator also helps to keep a check on being underweight in your BMI and the risks associated with being underweight:

  • Risk of malnutrition
  • Osteoporosis
  • Anemia

BMI chart and BMI ranges

BMI chart shows the BMI ranges, which tells that in which category your BMI or Body mass index lies:

If the BMI lies below 18.5- you’re in the underweight range.

  • If BMI value lies between 18.5 and 24.9, you will be in a healthy weight range.
  • If it lies between the range of 25-29.9, the person is overweight
  • If it lies between the range 30 and 39.9, you are in the obese range of BMI

If a person has BMI over 30, he or she should join a weight loss program to help lose weight, exercise, or consult a dietitian.

Consulting a health team can be very beneficial. Obesity can give you possible side effects. People have to go on low-calorie diet and change their eating habits, to achieve their ideal BMI.

What is ideal BMI?

BMI calculator importance can be seen as it helps to tell you that in which range you need to keep your BMI. Ideal BMI is the most suitable BMI for any person. Ranges of Body mass index vary significantly for adults and kids. But the BMI depends on the height and weight of the person.

BMI calculator importance and opting Bariatric surgery

BMI calculation plays another important role: knowing the BMI and then opting for Bariatric surgery. BMI more than 35 is in the highly obese range and when the BMI starts to touch 39 or 40, then a person needs to go under bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery. Bariatric surgery is also called as weight loss surgery and it involves different types of procedures it; a bariatric surgeon will let you know which procedure will suits you the best and help to let you lose weight fast. Bariatric surgery also helps to fight the risk of diseases associated with obesity.