benefits of bariatric surgery in obese people


Obesity is a globally prevalent disease. In the benefits of Bariatric surgery can be the most effective treatment for severe obesity and many other medical conditions such as heart disease and kidney illness. Many obese patients have attempted to treat their condition with diet and exercise on their own. Many people have lost weight and then gained it back. Patients who rely solely on diet and exercise are more likely to fail. This isn’t caused to a lack of willpower or a bad diet. When a patient’s Body Mass Index is greater than 35, their odds of achieving a normal body weight for an extended length of time are less than 1%. As a result, for people with severe obesity, surgery is a possibility. Nevertheless, many patients who could benefit from surgery are unsure whether or not surgery is appropriate for them. In any given year, just around a few of those who qualify to receive surgery.

How Does Bariatric Surgery Work?

Gastric bypass, mini-gastric bypass, and sleeve gastrectomy procedures are examples of weight loss surgery, commonly known as bariatric surgery, that functions by altering the stomach’s anatomy (or position) and small intestines. Changes in appetite, satiety (feeling full), and metabolism result from this (how the body burns calories).

These operations influence several hormonal signals that promote weight gain or incapacity to decrease weight, making it simpler to lose weight. However, regular physical activity and a healthy balanced diet are still required. In addition, these operations are only instruments for treating a chronic disease, and they cannot be used on their own.


Obese people who tried but failed to lose weight can benefit from bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery comes in a variety of forms. The most commonly used procedures are sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass.

Bariatric surgery reduces the stomach’s capacity, limiting food intake and allowing you to feel full considerably sooner than usual. Some bariatric operations also restrict calorie absorption. If you’re a candidate, your bariatric surgeon can help you figure out which option is ideal for you.

Some bariatric surgeons say, a greater body mass index may increase health risks. If your BMI is 35 or higher, you’ll probably need to shed more than 65 pounds to reduce your health risk. If you don’t make changes, you could acquire major health problems due to your excess weight. Almost everyone with a BMI of 40 or higher is a candidate for the surgery.

Long Term Weight Loss success

After bariatric surgery, approximately 90% of patients lose 50% of their excess body weight and keep it off for the long term. Patients who lose weight following surgery report feeling more energized, experiencing less pain, and having more desire to do things they haven’t done in years. Significant and quick weight loss during surgery might cause hormonal abnormalities, which can lead to even more substantial weight loss. Maintaining a steady workout regimen can help you lose weight and keep it off the following surgery.

benefits of bariatric surgery in obese people

Bariatric Surgery benefits more than just weight loss

Bariatric surgery can be life-changing for individuals who want to lose weight. But, aside from losing weight, did you realize there is a slew of other health benefits?

People who get bariatric surgery can lose weight and keep it off for a long time. According to some studies, many people who need to drop 65 pounds or more have attempted to lose some weight on their own multiple times. While they may have some success at first, only about 5% of people are able to retain their weight loss for five years or more. Patients typically regain their weight in less than a year.

Losing weight and then regaining it does little to alleviate the health risks linked with obesity. To consider your weight loss success and one that can lead to a happier, healthier you, you must keep it off for at least five years. The benefits of bariatric surgery go much further than weight loss:

Improved Longevity:

Obese people with bariatric surgery have a decreased risk of death than obese people who do not have surgery.

Faster metabolic rate:

As you lose weight, you’ll find yourself doing more physical activities like biking, walking, and swimming, which helps your body burn fat more efficiently. Insulin and cortisol (the stress hormone) are also lowered, reducing fat storage in the body.

Type 2 diabetes long-term remission:

According to one study, bariatric surgery results in long-term remission of type 2 diabetes. The findings of this study suggest that the surgery is highly beneficial for obese individuals with type 2 diabetes, with nearly all patients remaining insulin-free for at least three years following surgery.

Cardiovascular health improved:

A person’s risk of peripheral heart disease, coronary heart disease, and stroke is reduced after weight loss surgery. Moreover, one study found that the weight loss achieved through surgery can reduce the risk of death from stroke, hypertension, and myocardial infarction. In addition, following surgery, blood pressure and cholesterol levels can return to normal or near-normal, lowering these risks and improving general health.

Improve fertility:

Weight loss surgery can also help women become more fertile during their reproductive years. According to one study, bariatric surgery can reduce the chance of miscarriage and improve menstrual cycles in females who don’t ovulate.

Alleviation of Joint pain:

Excess weight puts a lot of strain on your weight-bearing joints, which can lead to persistent pain and injury. After bariatric surgery, people often have significant and sustained weight loss, which decreases joint tension and allows them to quit using pain medicines and enjoy considerably more mobility.

Alleviation of depression:

Because of their negative body image and social stigma, many obese persons are depressed. Even younger people who are overweight find it difficult to engage in activities that they might generally like, leading to social isolation and unhappiness. These people’s emotional health may improve if they lose weight. Obese people who had bariatric surgery had a 32.7 percent reduction in depression at the time of surgery and a 16.5 percent reduction six to twelve months later.

Elimination of obstructive sleep apnea:

People with sleep apnea can typically quit using a CPAP machine at night if they achieve and maintain a healthy weight range. One year following surgery, about 80 to 85 percent of patients experience sleep apnea remission.

Improved Other Medical Conditions:

gallbladder illness, metabolic syndrome, pregnancy difficulties, and other conditions can all be improved with weight loss surgery.

Better Quality Of Life:

Obese people who undergo bariatric surgery report improved mobility, less depression and anxiety, and improved self-esteem, social relations, and sexual function as a result of the treatment.


With obesity and its related health concerns on the rise, bariatric surgery is unquestionably a potent tool for giving long-term comfort to obese people. Therefore, it’s essential to find a hospital with substantial expertise doing these surgeries while making this decision.

Bariatric surgery is safe and has no greater risk than knee or gall bladder surgery when performed by a skilled and experienced bariatric surgeon.